Shooting The Breeze
/ Photography Blog / Recent Posts
Victoria Cross: Photographing North Sydney’s New Metro Station
Photographing Victoria Cross station captured its sleek design and functionality, showcasing how it transforms North Sydney’s urban landscape and connectivity.
How the Fear of Looking Bad in Photos Can Influence Your Behaviour in Front of the Camera
Many of us dread being in front of the lens, worried that our photographs will highlight our perceived flaws, leading to tense and unnatural poses. This self-fulfilling prophecy not only affects the quality of our photographs but also our enjoyment of moments meant to be captured and cherished. The post delves into psychological aspects and offers practical strategies for overcoming these fears, empowering readers to approach the camera with confidence and authenticity.
The Art of Clean: Why Dyson Demands the Highest Quality Product Photography
Dyson's unwavering commitment to visual excellence and how it has shaped their brand identity in the minds of consumers.
Tips for Planning and Arranging a Photoshoot at Your School
In today’s digital age, visual content is one of the most potent ways to engage and inspire prospective students, parents, and staff. Whether for a new school prospectus, website, or social media, professional education photography [...]
Transgrid’s Innovative Use of Photography
Transgrid is illuminating the human and technical side of Australia's energy infrastructure through captivating visual storytelling.